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Tristan Thompson Faces Child Support Ruling and Sociopathy Allegations

Tristan Thompson Faces Child Support Ruling and Sociopathy Allegations

Tristan Thompson Faces Child Support Ruling and Sociopathy Allegations: The Kardashians Speak Out

A judge has ruled that Tristan Thompson must pay Maralee Nichols $58,000 in overdue child support. Reports indicate that Thompson neglected payments from September 2023 to January 2024, despite being instructed to pay Nichols $9,500 monthly. The couple shares a two-year-old son named Theo. However, Theo isn’t the only child Thompson has allegedly neglected.

Last year, a post from the sister of another of Thompson’s children expressed frustration, stating, “It’s been so hard to refrain from speaking up, and out of respect for my sister, I haven’t for over 7 years. but this is just too much. It’s so painful to see how Tristan can find the time to do these nice things for others but can’t seem to show up and be a real parent to my nephew Prince.” The post also criticized Kim Kardashian for defending Thompson’s character on a “global platform.” This has sparked discussions questioning if Tristan Thompson displays sociopathic tendencies.

Meanwhile, Kourtney Kardashian focused much of her attention on Thompson during the latest season of The Kardashians. In a late-season episode, she directly confronted him, asking, “I see these TikTok videos and there’s these people and they’re like, ‘I am a sociopath narcissist. I have no empathy, no feelings.’ Do you think there’s any part of you that relates to that?” Thompson attempted to redirect the conversation towards supporting Khloé, stating, “You should definitely feel the way you feel, 100%, because if it was my sister, I’d feel the same way. I think for me, you know, I want Khloé to be happy and whatever that may be, I’m fully supportive of that.”

However, Kourtney remained skeptical, emphasizing the importance of actions aligning with words. She also criticized the family’s prioritization of maintaining harmony over setting boundaries or supporting each other.

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